Red-Billed Tropicbird | Go Galapagos

Red-Billed Tropicbird

Red-Billed Tropicbird Gallery

More about  Red-Billed Tropicbird

The red-billed tropicbird is widely spread around the eastern pacific and the Caribbean and Indian oceans. In the Galapagos, they are found all around as they choose cliffs and rocky walls to nest.

They feed by plunge-diving mainly on squid and small fish, but they are poor swimmers. When sitting in the water after a catch, the tail feathers are locked in an upright position and this is usual to see.

Their courtship ritual is performed in the air by aerial acrobatics. Female and males are alike, but the male has a longer tail. Breeding happens all along the year and they lay one single egg.

Places where you may see this animal:

Red-Billed Tropicbird
  • Animal Group: Seabirds
  • Scientific Name: Phaethon aethereus
  • Animal Average Size: 90 - 105 cm
  • Animal Average Weight: 0.42 g

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