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San Cristobal Island

AM Punta Pitt (San Cristobal Island) This is the only place on the islands where we will enjoy the chance to see all three of the booby species in the same place. The red-footed will be perched on the Cordia lutea and small trees, the Nazca ́s on the ground near the cliff edge, and […]

Bartolome & Santiago

AM Bartolome Island Considered the most iconic landscape of the entire archipelago the view from the top of Bartolome Island, overlooking the famous Pinnacle Rock and the austere Santiago Island, Our subsequent snorkel here might put us face to face with Galapagos penguins, white-tipped reef sharks, and playful sea lions. PM Sullivan Bay (Santiago Island) Visitors […]

Galapagos North Seymour

AM ✈ Welcome to Galapagos. Departure from Quito to Baltra Island is a 2 1⁄2 hour flight. Upon arrival in the Galapagos, passengers are greeted at the airport by our knowledgeable guides who will accompany them on a short 10 minute bus ride to the pier where they will board the Galapagos Legend. PM North […]

Bachas Beach (Santa Cruz Island)

AM Bachas Beach (Santa Cruz Island) Named for some wrecked World War II barges whose ribs are still visible in the sand this visitor site offers great swimming, a lovely walk along the shore, and a visit to a lagoon behind the high tide line with wading birds, marine iguanas and sometimes even flamingos. The […]

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