Colonial Cuenca & its Museums | Go Galapagos

Colonial Cuenca & its Museums

[:en]Cuenca World Heritage Site. It is a city of facades dated from the last five centuries which have been kept intact due to the unique privilege of being the only city on the Ecuadorian Andes which has not been hit by major quakes.

The Cathedral, Main Square, the flower market, San Francisco and Santo Domingo churches and the Central Bank Museum with permanent archeological, anthropological, colonial and republican art collections. Monastery of the Immaculate Conception, cloister built between 1628 and 1729. The cloister contains an unusual collection of religious art. Panama hat factory where a wide variety of goods made from “toquilla” fiber like bags, dolls and of course literally thousand possible hat styles, colors, and prices. At the end, we shall have a panoramic look of the city from Turi viewpoint.

Included breakfast, entrance Banco Central and Conceptas museums

[:es]Cuenca colonial y sus museos
Cuenca es una de las ciudades coloniales más bellas de Ecuador y también Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Unesco. Es una ciudad de fachadas de los últimos cinco siglos que se han mantenido intactas debido al privilegio único de ser la única ciudad en los Andes ecuatorianos que no ha sido afectada por grandes terremotos. Visitaremos la Catedral, la Plaza de Armas, el mercado de flores, las iglesias de San Francisco y Santo Domingo y el Museo del Banco Central con colecciones permanentes de arte arqueológico, antropológico, colonial y republicano, incluyendo fotografías que documentan la historia de la ciudad. El recorrido continúa en el Museo de las Conceptas, que es una de las iglesias y convento más antiguos de la ciudad que data de 1599. Hoy en día, la casa de cuatro pisos es también un museo con diversos objetos religiosos, pinturas y arte clásico.

Visitamos una fábrica de sombreros de Panamá donde se pueden encontrar una gran variedad de artículos hechos con bolsas de toquilla, muñecas y, por supuesto, miles de estilos de sombreros, colores y precios. Al final de la visita, estaremos en el mirador de Turi para una vista panorámica de la ciudad.

Incluye: desayuno, tickets de entrada museos Banco Central y Conceptas.


Ecuador Tour Packages

Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Volcanoes, The Highest Andes & Indigenous Communities

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Chaski Route & Otavalo treasures

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Quito - Wine & Roses

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Cuenca – Sigsig – Gualaceo – Chordeleg – Orchid farm

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Tropical Hacienda & its Flora and Fauna

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Papallacta Hot Springs

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Colonial Quito & Dinner

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Quito & its Highlights

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Mindo – chocolate, cacao & coffe tours

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Otavalo indigenous community & Chaski Route

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Highlights of Ecuador & descending to the Coast

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Otavalo Indigenous Market – Chaski Route & Liberty Train

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Otavalo Indigenous Market

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City Pack Cuenca

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Colonial Quito & Middle of the World Complex

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City Pack Guayaquil

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Sacha Lodge

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Highlander: Otavalo & Across The Andes to Cuenca

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Guayaquil & The Historic Park

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Guayaquil & Its Museums

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Colonial Quito, Middle of the World & lunch

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Guayaquil & Botanical Garden

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Otavalo & Karanki Magdalena Community Cultural Connection

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INCA - Cañari Ruins of Ingapirca

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Otavalo Wellness (Only for groups)

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Quito traditional & its Gastronomy

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Cultural Cuenca & its Handicrafts

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Colonial Quito

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Cuenca, its Traditions & Ruins

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Family Themed Parks

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Northern Andes, Otavalo, “Chaski Route” & Train

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the Coast

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Folkloric show & Legend at night - JACCHIGUA BALLET

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El Cajas National Park & its lagoons

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the coast

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Casa del Suizo

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Papallacta Hot Springs & Antisana Ecological Reserve

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Volunteer Program at the Karanki Magdalena Community

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Peru Express

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Mindo Orchids & Birdwatching within Cloud Forest –Alambi

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Cotopaxi National Park & Quilotoa Lagoon

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Chaski Route –– Mindo Cloud Forest –– Middle of the World Complex

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Quito Transfer IN (Airport - Hotel)

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Antisana - Home of the Andean Condor

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Pathway through the Andes from the Pacific Coast

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños

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Baños - Gateway to the Amazon

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Highlander: Otavalo & across The Andes to the Coast

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Guayaquil and its fountain lights

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City Pack Quito

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