Mindo – chocolate, cacao & coffe tours | Go Galapagos

Mindo – chocolate, cacao & coffe tours

[:en]Learn on how chocolate is made from “bean to bar” in El Quetzal de Mindo.  Since 2008, Mindo has been in search of quality cacao beans to make chocolate, and nowadays family farms are the main National provider of the finest beans.  The tour will show the entire process of how cocoa is handled until is dry, roasted, and turned into nibs; for later continue a process to refine it and turn it into one of the best chocolates in the world!

Be amazed by the history and culture of the Maquipucuna, part of the Cachillacta region which is known for being the town that headed the ancestral paths for the trade of salt and cotton. Visitors will learn more about the only shade-grown coffee tour in Ecuador, its production process, which is also one of the main sources of income for the local mountain communities.

Enjoy the delicious cuisine with a local lunch to later return to Quito.[:es]Aprende cómo se hace el chocolate de “vaina a la barra” en El Quetzal de Mindo. Desde 2008, Mindo ha estado buscando granos de cacao de calidad para hacer chocolate, y hoy en día las granjas familiares son el principal proveedor nacional de los mejores granos. El recorrido mostrará todo el proceso de cómo se maneja el cacao desde que esté seco, tostado y convertido en semillas; ¡para luego continuar un proceso para refinarlo y convertirlo en uno de los mejores chocolates del mundo!

Sorpréndase con la historia y la cultura de la Maquipucuna, que forma parte de la región de Cachillacta, conocida por ser la ciudad que encabezó las rutas ancestrales para el comercio de sal y algodón. Los visitantes aprenderán más sobre el único recorrido de café cultivado a la sombra en Ecuador, su proceso de producción, que también es una de las principales fuentes de ingresos para las comunidades locales de la montaña.

Disfrute de la deliciosa cocina con un almuerzo local para luego regresar a Quito.


Ecuador Tour Packages

Colonial Quito & Dinner

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Guayaquil and its fountain lights

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Quito Transfer IN (Airport - Hotel)

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Quito & its Highlights

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Quito traditional & its Gastronomy

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Volcanoes, The Highest Andes & Indigenous Communities

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños

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Highlander: Otavalo & Across The Andes to Cuenca

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City Pack Guayaquil

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Guayaquil & Botanical Garden

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Otavalo indigenous community & Chaski Route

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Peru Express

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City Pack Quito

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Cultural Cuenca & its Handicrafts

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Tropical Hacienda & its Flora and Fauna

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Baños - Gateway to the Amazon

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Colonial Quito

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Family Themed Parks

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Highlights of Ecuador & descending to the Coast

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Volunteer Program at the Karanki Magdalena Community

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Colonial Quito & Middle of the World Complex

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Guayaquil & The Historic Park

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the coast

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Colonial Quito, Middle of the World & lunch

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El Cajas National Park & its lagoons

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Quito - Wine & Roses

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City Pack Cuenca

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Antisana - Home of the Andean Condor

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Highlander: Otavalo & across The Andes to the Coast

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Mindo Orchids & Birdwatching within Cloud Forest –Alambi

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Northern Andes, Otavalo, “Chaski Route” & Train

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Chaski Route & Otavalo treasures

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the Coast

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Guayaquil & Its Museums

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Cuenca, its Traditions & Ruins

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Otavalo Wellness (Only for groups)

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Folkloric show & Legend at night - JACCHIGUA BALLET

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Otavalo Indigenous Market – Chaski Route & Liberty Train

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Papallacta Hot Springs

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Casa del Suizo

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Papallacta Hot Springs & Antisana Ecological Reserve

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Otavalo & Karanki Magdalena Community Cultural Connection

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Chaski Route –– Mindo Cloud Forest –– Middle of the World Complex

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Pathway through the Andes from the Pacific Coast

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Cuenca – Sigsig – Gualaceo – Chordeleg – Orchid farm

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Otavalo Indigenous Market

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Cotopaxi National Park & Quilotoa Lagoon

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Colonial Cuenca & its Museums

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Sacha Lodge

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INCA - Cañari Ruins of Ingapirca

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