Quito & its Highlights | Go Galapagos

Quito & its Highlights

[:en]Quito was the first UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage site declared in 1978.  It displays the largest colonial town of the Americas with an eclectic architecture ranging from the modern quarters to varied colonial facades on churches and private residences decorated and balconies built along the last five centuries.  See the gothic Basilica del Voto Nacional and the Independence Square flanked by the Presidential and the Archbishop’s palaces dated back to XVII and XIX centuries.  Share the spirit of Quito by walking to the Metropolitan Cathedral with excellent samples of the Spanish Renaissance.  Visit the so-called street of the Seven Crosses and pass by the Jesuit convent, El Sagrario church with a unique orthodox cross lay outdated back to the seventeenth century and the jewel of the crown.

Visit the Jesuit temple of Baroque art La Compañía de Jesús, and the jewel of the crown of the colonial architecture in Quito, continue to the Plaza of San Francisco which is a temple and convent, displaying a rich sample of artistic and cultural heritage.  Continue at the Capilla del Hombre to admire its architectonic art, cultural space, and a tale of the Latin American man, starting at Pre-Columbian times to the contemporary image of man.  The story is told by painting, murals, and objects that represent the history of colonization to contemporary times.

We head approximately 11 miles (18 Km.) north of the city to arrive at the Middle of the World Complex which holds the Equator Monument situated at 0º0’0” latitude and in it, a Museum of Ethnicity of the peoples in Ecuador.  In the eighteenth century, the French Geodesic Expedition erected one of three pyramids, as landmarks, to commemorate their calculation of the middle of the Earth. The complex replicates the Spanish colonial architecture with a typical central plaza, a church, and bull-fighting ring.

Take a break with a box lunch and to enjoy the surroundings.

We will head to TeleferiQo — Cablecar to go up to 4,100 meters (13,500 ft) above sea-level and have the great opportunity to admire Quito’s valleys of the north and south and enjoy of a small hike.[:es]Quito fue el primer sitio declarado como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la UNESCO en 1978. Se exihibe la ciudad colonial más grande de las Américas con una arquitectura ecléctica que abarca desde los barrios modernos a fachadas coloniales variadas en iglesias y residencias privadas decoradas y balcones construidos a lo largo de los últimos cinco siglos. Visite la Basílica Gótica del Voto Nacional y la Plaza de la Independencia, flanqueada por el Palacio Presidencial y del Arzobispado, datan de los siglos XVII y XIX. Comparta el espíritu de Quito caminando hacia la Catedral Metropolitana con excelentes muestras del Renacimiento español. Visite la llamada calle de las Siete Cruces y pasa junto al convento de los jesuitas, la iglesia de El Sagrario con una cruz ortodoxa única que data del siglo XVII. Visite el templo jesuita del arte barroco en América La Compañía de Jesús, y la joya de la corona de la arquitectura colonial en Quito, continúe hasta la Plaza de San Francisco, que es un templo y convento, que muestra una rica muestra de arte y patrimonio cultural.

Continuamos en la Capilla del Hombre para admirar su arte arquitectónico, su espacio cultural y una historia del hombre latinoamericano, desde la época precolombina hasta la imagen contemporánea del hombre. La historia está contada por pintura, murales y objetos que representan la historia de la colonización en la época contemporánea.

Nos dirigimos aproximadamente a 11 millas (18 Km.) Al norte de la ciudad para llegar al Complejo del Medio Mundo que alberga el Monumento del Ecuador ubicado a 0º0’0 “de latitud y en el mismo, un Museo de Etnicidad de los pueblos en Ecuador. En el siglo XVIII, la Expedición geodésica francesa erigió una de las tres pirámides, como hitos, para conmemorar su cálculo del centro de la Tierra. El complejo replica la arquitectura colonial española con una típica plaza central, una iglesia y una plaza de toros.

Tómese un descanso con un box lunch y disfrute del entorno.

Nos dirigiremos a Teleferico – Teleférico para subir a 4.100 metros (13.500 pies) sobre el nivel del mar y tendremos la gran oportunidad de admirar los valles del norte y sur de Quito y disfrutar de una pequeña caminata.[:]

Ecuador Tour Packages

City Pack Quito

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Highlander: Otavalo & Across The Andes to Cuenca

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Highlights of Ecuador & descending to the Coast

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Northern Andes, Otavalo, “Chaski Route” & Train

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Mindo Orchids & Birdwatching within Cloud Forest –Alambi

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Quito Transfer IN (Airport - Hotel)

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Colonial Cuenca & its Museums

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Pathway through the Andes from the Pacific Coast

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Highlander: Otavalo & across The Andes to the Coast

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the Coast

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Colonial Quito, Middle of the World & lunch

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Mindo – chocolate, cacao & coffe tours

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the coast

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Cultural Cuenca & its Handicrafts

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Casa del Suizo

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Folkloric show & Legend at night - JACCHIGUA BALLET

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Volunteer Program at the Karanki Magdalena Community

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Quito - Wine & Roses

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Guayaquil and its fountain lights

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Quito traditional & its Gastronomy

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Peru Express

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Antisana - Home of the Andean Condor

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Cuenca, its Traditions & Ruins

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Chaski Route & Otavalo treasures

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Otavalo Indigenous Market

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Tropical Hacienda & its Flora and Fauna

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Papallacta Hot Springs & Antisana Ecological Reserve

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Family Themed Parks

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Papallacta Hot Springs

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Otavalo indigenous community & Chaski Route

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Colonial Quito

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Colonial Quito & Dinner

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Volcanoes, The Highest Andes & Indigenous Communities

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños

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Guayaquil & Botanical Garden

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Guayaquil & The Historic Park

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Otavalo Indigenous Market – Chaski Route & Liberty Train

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Cuenca – Sigsig – Gualaceo – Chordeleg – Orchid farm

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City Pack Guayaquil

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City Pack Cuenca

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INCA - Cañari Ruins of Ingapirca

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Guayaquil & Its Museums

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Sacha Lodge

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Otavalo Wellness (Only for groups)

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El Cajas National Park & its lagoons

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Chaski Route –– Mindo Cloud Forest –– Middle of the World Complex

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Baños - Gateway to the Amazon

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Cotopaxi National Park & Quilotoa Lagoon

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Colonial Quito & Middle of the World Complex

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Otavalo & Karanki Magdalena Community Cultural Connection

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