Mosquera Islet Island Information - Galapagos Sites of Visit

Mosquera Islet

More about  Mosquera Islet

Mosquera is one of the smallest islands in the archipelago. Located between North Seymour and Baltra Islands, it consists of many coral reefs, making it a great site for practicing snorkel and observing the marine life.

Mosquera is also home to one of the largest colonies of sea lions in the Galapagos, and there have been occasional orca whale sightings around the islet. As is usual in the archipelago, the islet is shared by many seabirds, marine iguanas, blue-footed boobies and Sally Lightfoot crabs.

3D Panorama Mosquera:

Location Map:

Mosquera Islet

Mosquera Islet Island Visitors Sites

Mosquera Islet
Mosquera Islet map

This tiny, low lying islet, covered in coral sand, is set between North and South Seymour Islands. It is home to a group of sea lions that come to laze on the soft white sand. It is a good spot to observe shorebirds as well as herons, lava gulls, and boobies. Snorkeling or diving here one can often see sharks, rays, and barracudas.[:es]El islote Mosquera está ubicado entre North Seymour y Baltra. Es una isla plana y arenosa con una gran colonia de lobos marinos. Es también un excelente lugar para observar aves playeras, entre ellas garzas y la Gaviota de Lava. No hay un sendero en la isla. Visitantes pueden explorar con cierta libertad. La gran mayoría de la isla está compuesta de lava yerma y arena. Hay pequeños tramos en los cuales crece el Sesuviumportulacastrum.

  • Type of Terrain:
  • Physical Conditions Required:
  • Activities: 1-hour hike / 1-hour beach snorkeling
  • Highlights: White sandy beach, a large colony of sea lions[:es]Playa de arena blanca, una gran colonia de lobos marinos

Suggested Items:

  • bloqueador
  • camara
  • lentes
  • repelente
  • short
  • snorkel
  • sombrero

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