Santa Fe or Barrington Island Information - Galapagos Sites of Visit

Santa Fe

More about  Santa Fe

The oldest island of all (4.5 million years), is the result of the uplifting of a layer that previously suffered geological folding even tough recent data suggests it has also had volcanic origins. This island is a very rare formation located in the middle of Santa Cruz and San Cristobal islands, on the south east of the archipelago and it holds a beautiful turquoise lagoon on its bay, an often visited historic anchoring point. It was called Barrington because of the Brithish Admiral.

It is an unpopulated island.

The island with the highest endemism. Due to is geological nature and age; most of the animals on this island are endemic to this only location. Here the Marine Iguana of Santa Fe can be found as well as the Santa Fe Mockingbird, the Santa Fe rice Rat and the Santa Fe lizard.

Animals: frigate birds, blue footed boobies, sea lions, marine iguanas, swallow-tailed gulls, snakes, herons, hawks, sharks, rays.

Plants: giant cactus.

Offering one of the most beautiful and sheltered coves in the islands, home to a number of endemic species including Galapagos Hawk, Darwin’s finches and endemic land iguana.


Location Map:

Santa Fe

Santa Fe Island Visitors Sites

The visitor site Santa Fe is located on the northeast end of the island bearing the same name. We continue walking through an endemic cactus forest as we search for the endemic Santa Fe land iguana, which is the largest in the islands and distinctively paler, and sea lions.

This island is home to a number of endemic species including Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snake, a variety of finches and one of the four species of Galapagos mockingbirds.

  • Type of Terrain:
  • Physical Conditions Required:
  • Activities: 1 hour 30 min walk / 1 hour deep-water snorkeling
  • Highlights: Santa Fe land iguana unique in Galapagos, largest cactus of the archipelago.

Suggested Items:

  • baston
  • bloqueador
  • botas
  • camara
  • lentes
  • short
  • snorkel
  • traje

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