Black Turtle Cove | Go Galapagos
Santa Cruz Island

Black Turtle Cove

Black Turtle Cove  Gallery

More about  Black Turtle Cove

On the north shore of Santa Cruz Island, accessible only by sea, we’ll find four species of mangrove crowd from the shore out into the lagoon. We will also see turtles swimming and poking their heads above the surface of the calm waters while fish, rays and small sharks circle below.

White-tipped reef sharks and rays can be seen beneath the boat, as well as sea birds, pelicans, herons and egrets feeding in the cove. This cove has been declared as a “Turtle Sanctuary”.

  • Type of Terrain: None
  • Physical Conditions Required: Low
  • Activities: 1 hour 30 min dinghy ride
  • Highlights: Four species of mangrove, declared as a “Turtle Sanctuary”

Suggested Items:

  • bloqueador
  • camara
  • lentes
  • short
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