Post Office Bay | Go Galapagos

Post Office Bay

Post Office Bay  Gallery

More about  Post Office Bay

In the north side of Floreana, there is the Post Office Bay. Its name gets in 1793, by the Captain James Colnett, who installed a wooden barrel that will serve sailors’ as a post office. Seamen will drop-off letters there, in other for another sailor, who would be headed back home, to take the letter with him and deliver it to the recipient. Nowadays, the tradition is still alive and tourist will leave behind letters and postcards, with the hope that other tourists will take them, for free, back to their country. The delivery time can take days, weeks or even up to years! However, there has been cases where the letter arrives back home before the sender does!

Here, it is possible to see Darwin finches, yellow warblers and lava lizards. There are great snorkeling opportunities to see green pacific sea turtles and playful sea lions on main beaches. Moreover, this island is best known for its endemic vegetation: Scalesiavillosa, Leococarpuspinnati dus and the Galapagos millwork.

  • Type of Terrain: Sandy
  • Physical Conditions Required: Low
  • Activities: 30 min hike / 1 hour snorkeling
  • Highlights: Historical place, this island is best known for its endemic plant life: Scalesia villosa, Lecocarpus pinnati dus, and Galapagos milkwort. Snorkelers can practice on the main beach among playful sea lions.

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