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Travel Guides

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Extreme Tours

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Dream Vacation

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The first place to look for environmentally friendly holidays

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From ancient cultures to amazing landscapes, find the very best discounts on offer

Spain holidays

Soaring mountains, sun-soaked coasts, Moorish heritage and moreish food

Cycling Holidays

Reawaken that long lost childhood sense of freedom or challenge yourself to an adventure

Africa Holidays

Exotic souks, ancient wonders, unique wildlife and huge sand dunes in seemingly endless deserts

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Helping Dreams Do

You can have as much or as little help from us as you want. It’s up to you. Finally, you should know we treat local people with respect and fairness. This pays back by the bucket load because well cared for locals let you get closer to their culture, their people & their nature. Which is good for them and good for you. In addition, if you wish, when you book your holiday we'll pay for a day trip for a disadvantaged child from a developing country to a Game Park, mountain or museum etc. We call this responsible tourism.

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